Sunday, July 10, 2011

Discussion of Impossible on Video

Rather than doing a podcast, we decided to go with some video segments of our first book club meeting.  We didn't get everything on camera; we figured it might get long and tedious to watch. We also didn't do any editing, so apologies in advance for the initial giggling and other awkwardness.  But we are bookworms, so I suppose we are naturally a little awkward and weird. I don't think any of us was completely comfortable being on camera... Actually, Marissa looks pretty comfortable, but she's a born performer. So here are some highlights from our discussion of Impossible. Feel free to respond to our questions or to give your reactions in the comment field.  We want to hear from you! We really do.

Assuming you read the book, you know how important this song is to the plot. As I said, Marissa is the performer in the group.

**The rest of these clips contain spoilers! If you don't want to know what happens in the novel, stop watching/reading here.

In this clip, I introduce our discussion, and we each give the book a rating on a scale of 1-5.

Bess asks the first discussion question regarding the issue of date rape in the novel.

I ask an additional question, and we discuss...

Some conclusions...

We are big fans of the Name Game, so it only made sense for us to go around and say one word to sum up the book.
Our words: Fable, Impossible, Fenella, Rosemary, and Flat.

We really had fun last night. As the evening progressed, we moved away from "serious" topics and did a little bit of dancing. We then took a cab to a nearby bar.  The cabbie thought it was "hot" that we were book clubbers going for drinks.  If he saw all of these nerdy videos, I think he'd change his mind. At the bar, we had a Padraig sighting, and I believe someone actually informed this stranger that he looked exactly like a character from our book club book. His response? "How do you know what a character in a book looks like? Especially if there is no movie..." Umm... has this dude ever read a book? Because often times those things are described... Like in words...

So, all silliness aside, please join in on our discussion of the novel. What were your thoughts on our questions? What question would you have asked? What would your "one word" be? Is there anything else you'd like to see in our next video discussion? This was only our first one, so we are trying to come up with an organization that makes sense and is enjoyable to watch. Feedback is much appreciated. Just keep it nice :) It was a little nervewracking for us to put this out there. Happy reading, bookworms.

Oh! We will announce the next book shortly, so please check back.


  1. the videos were really fun to watch. thank you all for putting it out there.

    the story about the dumb dude in the bar is hysterical. "how do you know what a character in a book looks like?" seriously? has he never exercised his imagination? holy crap. sorry, I guess that's not nice.

  2. thanks for the vote of confidence. we were all feeling seriously awkward. "padraig" was actually very nice... probably just doesn't read much...

  3. BTW, I feel uncomfortable with all my odd hand gestures.

  4. too funny. i thought the same thing about mine.
    i didn't notice yours at all. i never do.


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