Monday, September 26, 2011

Banned Books Week!

Banned Books Week is here! It goes from September 24 to October 1. The point of the week is to celebrate the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. You can find a list of recently "challenged" books on the website of the American Library Asssociation, who organize the week. I was surprised how many of these books the Bookworms have read in the past few years. Let's celebrate the week by re-reading one of our favorite banned books. Another idea is to talk with a child or just a friend on why a particular book might have been banned and what the First Amendment protects. Another discussion item: Some of the books were banned or challenged for not being age-appropriate. At what point do you cross a line when you take action for thinking a book's subject matter is too advanced for your child?


  1. I wasn't aware that there were that many banned books! I've always believed that reading a book couldn't possibly made any harm to others. I see the point of the law trying to prevent one to make harm to oneself - if talking about children - but I assume adults we can read what me want, don't we?

  2. Banned books are the best books :) Maybe someday I'll write one.


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